Hello everyone and happy Saturday! First off, we've decided to cut down our updates from every Friday to every other Saturday. We thought this would be less spammy and would allow us to actually show off stuff that takes longer than a week to finish.
We know one of our biggest shortcomings has been our animations. That's why we've been taking some time currently to improve them where we can, either with new features or just fixing the various bugs we have. You can see below how we've expanded our locomotion code a little bit to include an aim offset for our characters for Pitch and Yaw and to only rotate the character beyond that offset. We are hoping this will give a more natural and smooth visual when looking around instead of just sliding the character based on the control rotation.
We have also improved upon the player profile system which we showed off last time and fixed a few bugs found with it.
Additionally, we are still hard at work improving the overall artwork for the game and moving towards a more sculpted approach. We look forward to showing off the changes soon!